Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Get Up and Move to Increase your Creativity

Did you ever have a problem to solve and think you just needed to get some fresh air?

As it turns out, a recent article out of Stanford University proves going for a short, brisk

walk will, in fact, help to get your mental wheels turning! The article actually found

creativity was boosted over 60% when walking versus sitting.

If you’ve ever heard the idea that doing exercise makes you feel good, this study is all

the more evidence to support that idea. Wouldn’t you agree that it feels good when you

are solving problems or gaining clarity on a situation? Wouldn’t it be ideal if we could

break up our 8-10 hour workday and instead of sitting in meeting rooms, went for a walk

and hashed out whatever problem we are working on? Sure, not every meeting or every

working situation allows for a walking break. But, we surely can do a better job finding

ways to get up and move throughout our lives.

Here are some tips to increase your daily activity:

SET REMINDERS- If you use Outlook or another mail client, set reminders for yourself

intermittently or during the times you know you tend to fade into the workday haze, to

get up and go for a walk. Use your favorite motivating quote in the reminder!


bottle, pick the furthest away water cooler and refill your bottle! Do you have a great

view from a section of your office? Head to that spot and take a few breaths before you

sit back down at your desk.

MAKE A WALKING ROUTE- Grab a pedometer, there are affordable ones at every big

box store and track a 1-mile walking route. One Mile averages about 2500 steps or so

and is a great timeframe and distance to clear your mind.

WALKING MEETINGS WITH COWORKERS- Schedule walking meetings and get

everyone up and moving for a change! Don’t do just any meeting, prepare for the right

meeting where notes or computers are not needed. Ask for feedback on the meeting

held as a group walk and make improvements as you get acclimated.

SET A STEPS GOAL- There are so many tracking devices available, including free

apps on your smartphone or a belt clip pedometer.  Set a goal, share the goal with a

trusted friend and step out daily to increase your steps!

All of these tips are possible to do in a day, given your worksite is both walkable and

your position and leadership within your organization is supportive of a healthy lifestyle.

 The Summer is here and the sun is shining, get up and move before Winter sneaks up

on us again!


  1. Hi! Stopping by from Mom Bloggers Club. Great blog!
    Have a nice day!

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by, Veronica! Really appreciate your feedback!
